I had originally put together a few different google docs to keep track of what I had learned as a contact tracer, what tools were being developed for COVID-mitigation, and what tools we have been losing through the sociological production of the end of the pandemic. I decided to put that info into one cohesive website that I could share and revisit myself more easily. I know there are a lot of fantastic sites with this info, but I hope that the way I've organized this information in one place can be useful for others.
I'm not a doctor; I'm not endorsing or selling any of the products or companies listed; please do read the studies listed and do what works best for you and yr loved ones! Remember that masking one of THE most effective and accessible tools we have, PLEASE MASK IN INDOOR PUBLIC SPACES!, but it can't hurt to fill up that tool box especially we have been so thoroughly abandoned by the CDC, the US government, and much of the culture at large in this fight to save lives.
Links to buy are US-centric because I'm in the US, but I tried to state where they ship from in case you are not/want to search for retailers yourself.
While I have zero capacity for debate around whether COVID is real/a threat/worth avoiding, I would love to hear any other feedback about this site. I genuinely wanna hear about tools or practices you've developed or found helpful, articles/videos/toolkits I need to add, or anything you feel this site is missing. Please don't hesitate to reach out, I really appreciate it!